TR Tech offers SMD taping services to all customers who are in the Electronics Industry. With its facility in Milpitas California, the company has a capacity of 15,000,000 parts per month. This is a big leap for us at TR Tech because in just a short span of time, we were able to accommodate the ever-increasing demand for back end services.
Outsourcing has been the solution to many of the "in-house" problem but outsourcing came with a problem too. Time! It takes several days before the taping job is done that is why at TR Tech, we see to it that we have a standard 48-hour turn-around time and whenever possible, a same day service at no charge. Our services also include: time and whenever possible, a same day service at no charge. Our services also include:
- Dry packing
- Custom Bar Code Labeling
- BGA and BGA